Ready, Set, Grant! Presentations

Document Type


Original Presentation Date


Date of Submission

March 2016


Let’s face it: teamwork can be a real challenge sometimes. Conflicts that arise within a research team can negatively impact the careers of team members and the outcomes of the research itself, so learning to avoid and solve conflicts through trust, communication, and negotiation is key to research team success. In this session, Dr. Monika Markowitz, Director of the Office of Research Integrity and Ethics, and Mark Rubin, Executive Director of the Virginia Center for Consensus Building, will help attendees understand some of the most common research, professional, and interpersonal conflicts that occur in research teams, as well as how to help prevent these conflicts and what to do when they occur. Attendees will see negotiation skills modeled and have the opportunity to practice their own skills as they analyze and respond to example conflicts.
