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Society for Ecological Restoration 2016 Conference


This poster won first prize at the 2016 SERMA conference and is a poster about the tidal freshwater restoration project of former Lake Charles at the Virginia Commonwealth University Rice Rivers Center, Charles City Virginia.

Date of Submission

March 2016


Wetlands have been providing humans with critical natural ecosystem services throughout our time on Earth. Nevertheless, these invaluable ecosystems have been habitually altered as a cost of human progression. Two of the most common alterations to wetlands are hydrologic, in the form of damming, and filling. Both occurred along Kimages Creek in Charles City County, VA during the 19th and 20th centuries. In 2010 the Lake Charles dam was partially removed, restoring the creek's tidal communication with the James River and beginning tidal forested freshwater wetland restoration. Upon the recession of the body of water, numerous woody stumps were revealed.


© The Author

Is Part Of

VCU Rice Rivers Center Research Symposium
