Richmond, Race and Regionalism Videos | Dept. of Educational Leadership | Virginia Commonwealth University

Conversations Exploring Education, Housing, Transportation and Economic Development

Presented here are four videos from the Richmond Peace Education Center's project, Richmond, Race and Regionalism.

This project grew out of the first Racial Justice Discussion Series conducted by the Richmond Peace Education Center. It was inspired by a presentation by Dr. John Moeser, professor emeritus of Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Urban Studies and Planning and Senior Fellow at the Bonner Center for Civic Engagement at the University of Richmond. Appalled by the regional problems highlighted by Dr. Moeser’s research, an independent group of volunteers came together to develop a vehicle for disseminating information and promoting discussion. Led by Renee Hill, Professor of Philosophy at Virginia State University, and Charol Shakeshaft, Professor of Educational Leadership at the VCU School of Education, they gathered archival photographs, interviewed fellow citizens, read books and articles, and compiled a vast amount of information which has been distilled down into videos in four main areas: Education, Transportation, Housing, and Economic Development. They asked the Richmond Peace Education Center to house and distribute the videos.

Each of the videos lasts about 25 minutes and is designed for use in a 45-60 minute program where there would be time for discussion and brainstorming. Suggested discussion questions are listed at the end of each video. The videos are completely free and available for your use. RPEC does ask that you contact them if you do utilize them for discussion with a group by emailing

The project was funded by the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Educational Leadership. All tables and graphs in the Housing, Transportation and Economic Development modules were researched and constructed by Dr. Moeser. The tables and maps in the Education module were researched and constructed by Dr. Genevieve Siegel-Hawley, Asst. Professor in VCU’s Department of Educational Leadership.


Submissions from 2014


Acknowledgements: Richmond, Race and Regionalism, Richmond Peace Education Center


Economic Development in the Richmond Region, Richmond Peace Education Center


Education in the Richmond Region, Richmond Peace Education Center


Housing in the Richmond Region, Richmond Peace Education Center


Transportation in the Richmond Region, Richmond Peace Education Center