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Psychometric Assessment of the Spanish SCORE-15 for Families of Individuals with Parkinson's Disease in Mexico
Jack Watson, Dept. of Psychology, Dr. Grace McKee, Mid-Atlantic MIRECC, Dr. Sarah Lageman, VCU School of Medicine and Dept. of Psychology, Dr. Teresita Villaseñor, University of Guadalajara, and Dr. Paul Perrin, Dept. of Psychology
Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder and can lead to a number of mental health problems for both patients and caregivers. Research has suggested that worse caregiver mental health predicts greater patient mortality for individuals with neurodegenerative diseases, and caregiver mental health is best when family needs are met. As healthcare trends toward an outpatient, home setting, it is important to study the effects of PD within the family setting. Objective: To test the proposed three-factor structure found in English of the Spanish Systemic Clinical Outcome and Routine Evaluation (SCORE-15, a measure of family dynamics) in a sample of PD caregivers from Mexico. Method: PD caregivers (n = 148) were recruited from an urban academic medical center in Mexico. Confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis (CFA/EFA) of the SCORE-15 were conducted. Results: Results from an initial CFA suggested that the three-factor SCORE-15 solution was a poor fit to the data, and an EFA was conducted in order to determine a better factor structure. We found evidence for a two-factor structure representing (1) general pathology and (2) family strengths. This factor structure bore little resemblance to the original three-factor structure (strengths and adaptability, overwhelmed with difficulties, and disrupted communication). Discussion: The SCORE-15 was originally validated in an English-speaking population. Our results suggest that the SCORE-15 does not measure the same three factor structure in Spanish in the context of PD for which it was intended within English-speaking samples. This could be due to the wording of the measures, the translation, or the cross-cultural applicability of family dynamic constructs. Future research would benefit from investigating this discrepancy in order to improve cross-cultural sensitivity in measures of family dynamics.
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Faculty Advisor/Mentor
Grace McKee, Ph.D.
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
Sarah Lageman, Ph.D.
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
Teresita Villaseñor, Ph.D.
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
Paul Perrin, Ph.D.
Virginia Commonwealth University. Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
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VCU Undergraduate Research Posters
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