Director's Editorials from Age in Action
Document Type
Original Publication Date
Journal/Book/Conference Title
Age in Action
Date of Submission
February 2015
The Virginia Center on Aging recognizes strides its staff has made in confronting elder abuse and domestic violence in later life; building and improving lifelong learning opportunities across the Commonwealth for mid-life and older adults; delivering interprofessional geriatrics training for health care providers and measuring the impacts of this training upon the patients they care for; training clinical students to partner across professions to improve geriatrics care; developing and delivering education and training programs to audiences in state, regional, and national conferences and webinars on topics ranging from gerontological education to aging with lifelong disabilities, community health to interdisciplinary teamwork; partnering with other organizations to identify innovations in family caregiving; administering the most productive seed grant program for dementia research in the country; and more.
Copyright managed by Virginia Center on Aging.
Recommended Citation
Ansello, E. (2015). We Happy Few: Accomplishments in Calendar 2014. Age in Action, 30(1).
Is Part Of
Director's Editorials from Age in Action