Director's Editorials from Age in Action
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Journal/Book/Conference Title
Age in Action
Date of Submission
February 2015
The Village concept, first implemented by Beacon Hill Village in Boston, has gained much attention as a model for aging in place. Villages are community-based, self-governing, not for profit organizations whose members pay an annual fee, from several hundred dollars to a thousand or more, to obtain access to an array of services that may assist them to maintain their physical health, keep up their property, manage their resources, continue to grow intellectually and engage socially while remaining part of the community in their homes. At a dozen years in, the Village concept has demonstrated its worth. It seems to adapt to local characteristics, while maintaining its essential grassroots, self-governing core.
Copyright managed by Virginia Center on Aging.
Recommended Citation
Ansello, E. (2014). Virtual Villages for Aging in Place. Age in Action, 29(2).
Is Part Of
Director's Editorials from Age in Action