Virginia Dental Journal
The Virginia Dental Association (VDA), reorganized in 1870, began publishing a modest journal under the title Bulletin of the Virginia State Dental Association in August of 1921. It has been issued as a bi-monthly, tri-annual, and quarterly publication and has been both cumulatively and individually paginated during its one-hundred year history. The VDA changed the title of the serial to the Virginia Dental Journal with volume 41, number 3 in June of 1964. From 1965 until 1999 the National Library of Medicine indexed the journal in Index Medicus and the Medline database.
Over the years the publication has included abstracts, clinical and research articles, annual meeting programs, association news, VDA presidential addresses and messages, case studies, directories, editorials, images, legislative updates, letters to the editor, meeting minutes, obituaries and memorials, new member lists, news of VDA component societies, and advertisements and classifieds.
The VCU Libraries digitized the Bulletin of the Virginia State Dental Association and the Virginia Dental Journal with the permission and collaboration of the Virginia Dental Association who holds the copyright to these publications. Issues from 2023 onwards are available via the Virginia Dental Archive.
Credits VCU Libraries completed digitization for this collection in 2023. Special Collections & Archives coordinated with the Virginia Dental Association and located external copies needed to complete the collection. Digital Specialist Katie Condon supervised student employees, digitization, and quality control. Naomy Cardoso Perez, Susan Grube, Amaiya Howard, and Cynthia Blaise assisted with digitization. Metadata Librarian Mary Anne Dyer created the metadata for this digital collection.