Submissions from 2016
What Is Safe Cycling?, Julie Arendt
Event Planning and Promotion, Manika Avasthi
Crowdsourcing the Worlds, Tim Bajkiewicz and Jeff South
Adaptive Response Modeling Using GIS, Jennifer M. Ciminelli
Social Media Immersion Experience, Judi Crenshaw
The Physics of Bicycling, Muruges Duraisamy and Marilyn F. Bishop
Bike Athlete Performance, R. Lee Franco
New Media Photojournalism, Gary Garbett
Poetics of Public Space, Jesse Goldstein
Motivation and Performance, Jeffrey Green
UCI and Entrepreneurship, Jay Markiewicz
Cycling Through History: Making an American Sport 1880-present, Sarah Meacham
Visualizing a Wired World’s Past, Bernard Means
Red, White and Bicycle: RVA, France and the Bike Race, Margaret Ozierski
Bicycle Urbanism, Damian Pitt
Teamwork and Racing, Michael Pitts
The Nature and Nurture of Sports Performance, Jessica E. Salvatore
Racing to Health, Shelly Smith
Anthropology of the Crowd, Amy Rector Verrelli
Race, Gender, Sexuality, Ability, Identity and Cycling, Erin White