Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Interdisciplinary Studies


Interdisciplinary Studies

First Advisor

Sara Clark


The process of creating art is a visceral experience for me. Each piece is born from an inherent need to visually express and understand my experiences and emotions. I use a variety of materials to create mixed media sculptures, books, and two-dimensional images. Maps and trees are the common motifs and metaphors found in my work. I paint on the surface of maps to reference significant locations in my journey of personal growth. I incorporate found sticks and branches in my sculptures and paint images of trees to communicate my reverence for nature. I often use the tree as a symbol for myself. I create images and detail with careful control of my media. I use pliers to manipulate wire into precisely formed curls around stones and wood. I apply short, repeated strokes with pen or paint on paper, or with a ceramic tool on a clay surface. I use this repetition of marks to create visual rhythm and a sense of movement which gives energy to otherwise simple images. I use a limited color palette to help maintain visual clarity of the image.


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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

April 2012
