"Development of Novel Hydrogel Materials for Viscoelastically Accurate " by Lila G. Schandler

Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. Ravi Hadimani


Current methods such as concussion tests and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans only reveal structural damage post-injury. Creating an anatomically accurate model of the brain that mimics brain structure and viscoelastic properties will further allow medical professionals to analyze concussion events and create curated and personalized plans of recovery for a patient’s unique brain injury.

Values have been established for the necessary viscoelastic properties (time constants and elasticity) to mimic the native human brain tissue such as grey matter and white matter. The mechanical properties of the hydrogel are tunable by varying the concentration of Phytagel (PHY), a protein binding agent, that catalyzes the crosslinking within the Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA). The viscoelastic properties of the cross-linked hydrogels were measured using a rheometer and matched to published literature values. Furthermore, for the first time, magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) was obtained to cross-validated the viscoelastic properties of the brain mimicking hydrogels.

This project concluded by creating a material that successfully mimics the viscoelastic properties of a rat brain. The material’s composition and synthesis can be adjusted according to the values of storage and loss modulus. This opens the possibility for future work on creating a human brain phantom when the viscoelastic values of a live sample can be obtained. By adjusting this material to reflect the values of human brain tissue accurately, work may be done to create a full-scale human head model, ideally with internal sensors, to further understand the brain’s intracranial behavior during impact forces.


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VCU Theses and Dissertations

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