Author ORCID Identifier
Defense Date
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
First Advisor
Nathaniel Kinsey
Second Advisor
Umit Ozgur
Third Advisor
Vitaliy Avrutin
Fourth Advisor
Katharine Tibbetts
Fifth Advisor
Joseph Reiner
Studying how light and matter interact has been of interest to humans for thousands of years. From the invention of the first mirror, burning ants with a magnifying glass, to optical fiber communication, light has been central to mankind. Researchers have sought to take this to the extreme with nonlinear optics where intense laser light interacts with materials. The study of this thesis is to understand a new generation of materials that has come to light. Epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) materials have shown promise for ultrafast light manipulation in tandem with modern day CMOS compatible electronics. Here, I seek to bridge the gap within these materials. Where theoretical works stop and device demonstration begins, my research fills in the theoretical modeling, experiments, and verification for nonlinear epsilon near zero materials. This is first done by discussing the limitations in ENZ literature, then discussing my numerical modeling, followed by experimental demonstrations in ENZ materials using a custom-built spectroscopy system, and finally developing and measuring an ENZ-based metasurface for low-power optical tuning and optical neuromorphic computing.
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VCU Theses and Dissertations
Date of Submission