Defense Date
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Dentistry
First Advisor
Jayakumar Jayaraman
Second Advisor
Caroline Carrico
Third Advisor
Vineet Dhar
Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of eugenol and non-eugenol-based Zinc Oxide Eugenol (ZOE) cements on primary tooth pulpotomies where Ferric Sulfate (FS) is used as a medicament.
Methods: Children aged 3-7 years with dental caries in their primary molars that have clinical and radiographic diagnosis of reversible pulpitis and undergoing dental treatment under Oral Conscious Sedation (OCS) or General Anesthesia (GA) were recruited. Children were randomly assigned to receive either FS and ZOE (IRM) or FS and non-eugenol based (CAVIT). The outcomes were assessed based on failure rates of the materials separately for clinical or radiographic evidence of pulp degeneration, pathologic mobility, swelling or fistula, spontaneous pain, tenderness to percussion or palpation, internal root resorption, inter radicular or periapical radiolucency. The patients are followed up at 6 months, 12 months,18 months and 24 months.
Results: A total of 61 patients were recruited and 19 were treated per protocol. 33 ultimately received an alternative treatment in lieu of pulpotomy (i.e. extraction or indirect pulp cap). Of the 19 patients treated per protocol, 7 have returned for their follow-up. Two children received pulpotomy with FS and ZOE based material (29%) and the remaining five received pulpotomy with FS and non-eugenol-based material (71%).
Conclusion: At 6 months, in primary molars pulpotomy, non-eugenol-based ZOE placed over ferric sulfate showed similar success to using eugenol-based zinc oxide as a base material.
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