

professionalism, professional development, professional discretion, prison officer, education


Despite increasing attention towards education as a quality measure for correctional services, little research attention has been paid to the qualification and training of prison officers. This article investigates how Norwegian prison officers understand their own professionalism and opportunities for professional development in their occupation. The analysis reveals that prison officers regard professionalism in line with a core value of loyalty, and guiding principles of humanity and equality for incarcerated persons. Further, the analysis shows that prison officers express pride and job satisfaction in their profession, and satisfaction with their education. Still, several of the officers highlight the need for continuing education in order to secure job mobility and further advancement within the correctional services. Knowing that the Norwegian education for prison officers is far more extensive than in other countries, significance of quality in prison officer education should be given more research attention.

Author Bio

Helene Marie Kjærgård Eide is Associate professor at the Department of Education at the University of Bergen. She holds a PhD in Education and has expertise within the fields of Educational leadership and Professionalism. Together with Prof. Westrheim, she has investigated Norwegian prison officers' perspectives on professionalism, professional development opportunities and professional role related to incarcerated persons education.

Kariane Gärtner Westrheim is Professor at the department of Education at the University of Bergen. She holds a PhD in Education and has expertise in Multiculturalism and Education within conflict areas and prison settings. Westrheim has lead research projects investigating educational motivation and opportunities for incarcerated persons within the Norwegian correctional services, as well as the study of prison officers' perspectives on professionalism, professional development opportunities and professional role related to incarcerated persons education.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


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