

Bernard Stiegler, philosophy, prison, convict criminology


Bernard Stiegler was a French philosopher who served 5 years in prison for a series of bank robberies committed in his youth. He died in August 2020, aged just 68, a professor celebrated in the highest ranks of continental philosophy. Stiegler subsequently published over 30 books, at the core of which is the series tellingly gathered under the title ‘Time and Technics’. His essay, ‘How I became a philosopher’, convinced me he, and it, should be on every prison philosophy course. In this article I outline why, as a convict criminologist, I feel an affinity with Stiegler’s project.

Author Bio

Rod Earle is a senior lecturer at The Open University and is a founder member of the British Convict Criminology group (britishconvictcriminology.co.uk). Convict criminology combines personal experience of imprisonment with critical criminology and supports the development of scholars in prison. He has published widely on prison issues, racism, race and ethnicity, and youth justice.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


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