"Young prisoners dream in Malawi" by Samson Chaima Kajawo and Lineo R. Johnson


Correctional education, Malawi, prisoners’ rights, pipe dream, young prisoners


Young people are often incarcerated in penitentiaries worldwide. Incarceration is not expected to hinder their access to quality education. This article, guided by Marxist theory, examines the practicality of educational rights at five young prisoners’ facilities in Malawi. The study used a descriptive phenomenological qualitative research design to engage the voices of 52 incarcerated and released young people in semi-structured interviews to ascertain if prisoners’ quality education was a reality or mere pipedream at young prisoners’ facilities. The findings show a disparity between correctional education policies and the actual reality. Due to the inadequacy of resources and the negativity of the prison environment, the facilities failed to provide quality, appealing and motivating education to the already educationally disenchanted incarcerated young people, resulting in low enrolment rates. It was, therefore, concluded that education was still a pipe dream at young prisoners’ centres in Malawi.

Author Bio

Samson Chaima Kajawo holds a PhD in Education from the University of South Africa. His scholarship aims to investigate how the incarceration of various groups of prisoners such as young people and women impacts on their rights and access to quality education in correctional facilities and after their release. His research interests also include education quality, prisoners’ rehabilitation, as well as prisoners’ conjugal rights and visits in Africa. He has worked in Malawi Prisons Service for 22 years in posts related to staff training and prisoners’ education. He also teaches part-time at various universities in Malawi.

Lineo Rose Johnson is an Associate Professor at the University of South Africa, School of Educational Studies. Her academic background is in adult education specializing in correctional (adult) education in the Department of Adult, Community and Continuing Education. She has researched and published widely in correctional education, adult literacy, community development and indigenous knowledge systems.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


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