"Data as Stepping Stones in the Research River: Using Data Across Disc" by Nina Exner

Document Type


Original Presentation Date



Poster presented at the 10th Annual NORDP (National Organization of Research Development Professionals) Research Development Conference, 2018, Arlington, VA

Date of Submission

April 2018


Research – it’s all about discoveries from data! Unfortunately, research development often means encouraging good science and research without being an expert in the data. And as we scale up to working with interdisciplinary teams, even the researchers on the team do not understand each others’ data. Epistemological barriers prevent researchers from good team science. Epistomological silos also provide a barrier to good grantwriting. Developing the general skills to talk data to many types of researchers at many different levels is essential to working with individual PIs in many disciplines. It also supports concrete grantwriting skills such as explaining data management plans, encouraging ethical handling of data, and building an effective argument on the impacts of proposed research. This idea showcase gives an overview on how to “follow the data” even when we aren’t data experts, in order to promote better grantwriting and encourage PIs to build more credible and persuasive proposals.



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