MERC Publications

Document Type


Original Publication Date


Date of Submission

September 2024


This MERC research and policy brief explores school dropout prevention by focusing on recent trends and research. It addresses the following questions:

1) What are recent trends in school dropout?
2) What factors contribute to school dropout?
3) What are the consequences and implications of school dropout?
4) What are evidence-based strategies for school dropout prevention?
5) What are federal, state, and division-level policies related to school dropout prevention in the MERC region?

It concludes with a series of key takeaways and recommendations.

Recommended Citation

Naff, D., Racelis, T., Frazier, R., Ellison, M., Tillery, C., Bristow, A., Lancaster, A., Evans, S., Wiedenhoft, L., Abdul Rahman, D., Merritte, S., Johansen, K., Moon, S., Samuel, J., & Davison, T. (2024). Trends, Challenges, and Evidence-Based Strategies for School Dropout Prevention in Virginia. Richmond, VA: Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium

Is Part Of

VCU MERC Publications



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