"Disparate Flood Outcomes and Social Vulnerability as a Fair Housing Is" by Molly Frey

Document Type

Professional Plan Capstone

Original Publication Date





Norfolk, VA

Date of Submission

May 2023


The purpose of this plan is to explore how social vulnerability and the disparate impacts of floods can be viewed as a fair housing infringement. This plan includes examining the current and past conditions of how flood risk management, housing development, and the natural environment have been operating in favor of or against socially vulnerable populations in Norfolk. These topics have been explored through stakeholder interviews, geographic analysis, and descriptive analysis. This project suggests an understanding of fair housing in which the equitable sharing of environmental risk and the benefits of its management, are integral to equal access in housing, inclusive neighborhoods, and full enjoyment of one's residence. In doing so, new understandings are created as to how environmental hazards, such as flooding, can negatively impact fair housing. By casting the disproportionate flooding burden faced by socially vulnerable groups as a fair housing violation, we can begin to recognize and make reparations for this inequality.


© The Author

Is Part Of

Master of Urban and Regional Planning Capstone Projects
