"Amtrak Staples Mill Station: Strategic Vision Plan 2023" by Daniel S. Longest

Document Type

Professional Plan Capstone

Original Publication Date



Virginia Passenger Rail Authority


Commonwealth of Virginia


Amtrak Staples Mill Station in Virginia is the busiest intercity rail station in the state but needs improvement. The plan proposes replacing the current station with a new facility incorporating civic art and multi-use development. The design incorporates concepts from successful stations like Union Station in D.C. and Main Street Station in Richmond. This plan encourages stakeholders to adopt a strategic vision for the station and its vicinity to make it an asset to the region. This plan calls for transit-oriented as land-use to complement an elevated multi-use station design. Implementation calls for a public-private partnership and an independent commission with equal representation of state agency representatives and residents of the Central Virginia region.

Date of Submission

May 2023


This plan proposes the replacement of the current Amtrak Staples Mill Station with a new facility designed to incorporate civic art, multi-use development, and fast and easy train boarding. Drawing on successful examples like Union Station in D.C. and Main Street Station in Richmond, this plan encourages stakeholders to adopt a strategic vision for the station and its vicinity as an asset to the region. An independent commission with equal representation from state agency representatives and residents would enact these improvements through a public-private partnership, including a transit-oriented development scheme for adjacent land.


© The Author

Is Part Of

Master of Urban and Regional Planning Capstone Projects
