"Riverview Community Park Commoning Plan" by Haley B. Keene

Document Type

Professional Plan Capstone

Original Publication Date



Maymont Community Garden


Richmond, VA

Date of Submission

May 2024


Riverview Community Park began as an illegal DIY skatepark in the Maymont neighborhood of Richmond, Virginia. Now, although it is a city park, it is still entirely managed by volunteer community groups (skateboarders, the neighborhood Civic League, and a community garden) who view the park as a creative, experimental community-led spatial project. Due to a dearth of communication between the three groups, the park has suffered political strife between the groups and a chaotic physical atmosphere. This plan utilizes a commons governance framework and participatory, asset-based community design to usher in a new era of enhanced collaboration, common narratives, and a shared learning experience for the community group members and the park. Recommendations include creating a collaborative governance plan for the park and implementing design improvements.


© The Author

Is Part Of

Master of Urban and Regional Planning Capstone Projects
