"Plenty of Room at the Inn: Strategies for Gentle Densification of Clev" by Harrison M. Hyde

Document Type

Professional Plan Capstone

Original Publication Date



Cleveland Park Smart Growth


Washington, DC

Date of Submission

May 2024


This capstone focuses on expanding housing opportunities, through the implementation of Gentle Density, in high-resource, single-family neighborhoods in Washington, D.C. The tangible outcomes of this study were be: a set of design guidelines, proposed changes to the Zoning Code of 2016, and an analysis of the co-benefits of densification. The co-benefits analysis examined any potential changes ridership changes for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, as well as changes in the potential customer bases for local businesses in each neighborhood. These analyses were done for a maximum build-out Scenario A, a less dense Scenario B, and a do-nothing Scenario C. The ultimate goal of introducing gentle density to the study area is to increase the supply of affordable housing across all income levels, defined as housing that costs no more than 30% of an individual’s income, decrease racial segregation within the city, promote equity, provide a larger local market for neighborhood businesses, allow community members to downsize/age in place, increase transit ridership, and increase sustainability.


© The Author

Is Part Of

Master of Urban and Regional Planning Capstone Projects
