Pharmaceutics Publications - VCU Scholars Compass - Virginia Commonwealth University | Dept. of Pharmaceutics | Virginia Commonwealth University
Publications from the Department of Pharmaceutics, Virginia Commonwealth University.


Submissions from 2020


An Analytical Perspective on Determination of Free Base Nicotine in E-Liquids, Vinit V. Gholap, Rodrigo S. Heyder, Leon Kosmider, and Matthew S. Halquist

Submissions from 2015


Green tea inhibited the elimination of nephro-cardiovascular toxins and deteriorated the renal function in rats with renal failure, Yu-Hsuan Peng, Douglas H. Sweet, Shiuan-Pey Lin, Chung-Ping Yu, Pei-Dawn Lee Chao, and Yu-Chi Hou

Submissions from 2013


Sex-dependent expression of Oat3 (Slc22a8) and Oat1 (Slc22a6) proteins in murine kidneys, Davorka Breljak, Hrvoje Brzica, Douglas H. Sweet, Naohiko Anzai, and Ivan Sabolic


Human Organic Cation Transporters 1 (SLC22A1), 2 (SLC22A2), and 3 (SLC22A3) as Disposition Pathways for Fluoroquinolone Antimicrobials, Aditi Mulgaonkar, Jürgen Venitz, Dirk Gründemann, and Douglas H. Sweet


Interaction of Ethambutol with Human Organic Cation Transporters of the SLC22 Family Indicates Potential for Drug-Drug Interactions during Antituberculosis Therapy, Xiaolei Pan, Li Wang, Dirk Gründemann, and Douglas H. Sweet


Interaction of Natural Dietary and Herbal Anionic Compounds and Flavonoids with Human Organic Anion Transporters 1 (SLC22A6), 3 (SLC22A8), and 4 (SLC22A11), Li Wang and Douglas H. Sweet


Renal Organic Anion Transporters (SLC22 Family): Expression, Regulation, Roles in Toxicity, and Impact on Injury and Disease, Li Wang and Douglas H. Sweet

Submissions from 2012


Active Hydrophilic Components of the Medicinal Herb Salvia miltiorrhiza (Danshen) Potently Inhibit Organic Anion Transporters 1 (Slc22a6) and 3 (Slc22a8), Li Wang and Douglas H. Sweet

Submissions from 2011


Linkage of Organic Anion Transporter-1 to Metabolic Pathways through Integrated “Omics”-driven Network and Functional Analysis[S], Sun-Young Ahn, Neema Jamshidi, Monica L. Mo, Wei Wu, Satish A. Eraly, Ankur Dnyanmote, Kevin T. Bush, Tom F. Gallegos, Douglas H. Sweet, Bernhard Ø. Palsson, and Sanjay K. Nigam


Physiological and Molecular Characterization of Aristolochic Acid Transport by the Kidney[S], Kathleen G. Dickman, Douglas H. Sweet, Radha Bonala, Tapan Ray, and Amy Wu

Submissions from 2010


Hypertension and hand-foot skin reactions related to VEGFR2 genotype and improved clinical outcome following bevacizumab and sorafenib, Lokesh Jain, Tristan M. Sissung, Romano Danesi, Elise C. Kohn, William L. Dahut, Shivaani Kummar, David Venzon, David Liewehr, Bevin C. English, Caitlin E. Baum, Robert Yarchoan, Guiseppe Giaccone, Jurgen Venitz, Douglas K. Price, and William D. Figg


Organic Anion Transporter 6 (Slc22a20) Specificity and Sertoli Cell-Specific Expression Provide New Insight on Potential Endogenous Roles, Gloriane W. Schnabolk, Bhawna Gupta, Aditi Mulgaonkar, Mrugaya Kulkarni, and Douglas H. Sweet

Submissions from 2009


Activation of Protein Kinase Cζ Increases OAT1 (SLC22A6)- and OAT3 (SLC22A8)-mediated Transport, Scott Barros, Chutima Srimaroeng, Jennifer L. Perry, Ramsey Walden, Neetu Dembla-Rajpal, Douglas H. Sweet, and John B. Pritchard

Submissions from 2008


Organic Anion Transporter 3 (Oat3/Slc22a8) Interacts with Carboxyfluoroquinolones, and Deletion Increases Systemic Exposure to Ciprofloxacin, Adam L. VanWert, Chutima Srimaroeng, and Douglas H. Sweet


Impaired Clearance of Methotrexate in Organic Anion Transporter 3 (Slc22a8) Knockout Mice: A Gender Specific Impact of Reduced Folates, Adam L. VanWert and Douglas H. Sweet


Two CES1 Gene Mutations Lead to Dysfunctional Carboxylesterase 1 Activity in Man: Clinical Significance and Molecular Basis, Hao-Jie Zhu, Kennerly S. Patrick, Hong-Jie Yuan, Jun-Sheng Wang, Jennifer L. Donovan, C. Lindsay DeVane, Robert Malcolm, Julie A. Johnson, Geri L. Youngblood, Douglas H. Sweet, Taimour Y. Langaee, and John S. Markowitz

Submissions from 2007


Organic anion transporter 3 (Oat3/Slc22a8) knockout mice exhibit altered clearance and distribution of penicillin G, Adam L. VanWert, Rachel M. Bailey, and Douglas H. Sweet

Submissions from 2006


Transport of estrone sulfate by the novel organic anion transporter Oat6 (Slc22a20), Gloriane W. Schnabolk, Geri L. Youngblood, and Douglas H. Sweet


Organic Anion and Cation Transporter Expression and Function During Embryonic Kidney Development and in Organ Culture Model Systems, Douglas H. Sweet, Satish A. Eraly, Kevin T. Bush, and Sanjay K. Nigam