Case Studies from Age in Action
Age in Action is a 20-page quarterly published jointly by the VCU College of Health Professions, Virginia Center on Aging, and the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services. Its target audience includes professionals in the field of aging, gerontologists, geriatricians, health professionals and administrators, adult home and community professionals, and others interested in aging-related education and research in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The leading feature of the newsletter is the case study which appears in each issue. These case studies are developed based on current issues, opportunities, and concerns affecting older adults.
Publications from 2023
Adult Day Services: A Model that Works, Heather Turbyne-Pollard
Care at the Intersections: A Case Study, Alyssa Camp
Chesterfield Fire and EMS Mobile Integrated Healthcare: Background and a Case Study, David Bigelow
Publications from 2022
Coping with Macular Degeneration: Three Case Studies, Ajit D. Tiwari
Recognizing and Responding to Abuse in Later Life: Feedback from Virginia’s Frontline, Sarah A. Marrs and Courtney O'Hara
What Matters Most: CNA Perspectives on Workforce Education, Professional Identity and Age-Friendly Care, Shannon Arnette, Annie Rhodes, Kimberly Ivey, Christian Bergman, and Leland "Bert" Waters
Publications from 2021
Improving Guardianship Practices through Collaborative Stakeholder Action, Erica Wood and Shasta Douglass
Lucy Corr Dental Clinic: Addressing Dental Needs of Uninsured Older Adults, Patricia B. Bonwell
Strengthening Capacities to Respond to Dementia with Lifelong Disabilities: Using the Project ECHO Model, Edward F. Ansello
The VCU Nursing Home ECHO, a Member of the National COVID-19 Action Network, Bert Water, Kimberly Ivey, Annie Rhodes, Christian Bergman, Daniel Bluestein, Jenni Mathews, Laura Finch, Shannon Arnette, Joanne Coleman, Maddie McIntyre, and Tara Rouse
Publications from 2020
A Multifaceted Approach to Address Food Insecurity in Urban Dwelling Older Adults, Ana Diallo and Katherine Falls
The Agony of Da Feet: Reexamining the Foundation to Fitness, Amanda M. Lutter and Christopher B. Stewart
The Health Empowerment Program: A Primary Care – Area Agency on Aging Partnership, Daniel Bluestein, Brad Lazernick, and Britt Gnilka
Two Professionally Led Choir Programs: Empowering People with Dementia and Their Care Partners, Helen Kivnick and Debra Sheets
Publications from 2019
Care Transitions: Empowering Older Adults with Post-Hospital Interventions, Karen Moeller
The Mason Music & Memory Initiative (M3I), Catherine J. Tompkins, Emily S. Ihara, Megumi Inoue, Christi Clark, and Kristen Suthers Rumrill
The Senior Mentoring Program at VCU’s School of Medicine, Leland H. Waters and Madeline McIntyre
VirginiaNavigator/GWEP Community Outreach Training for Older Adults, Caregivers, and Service Programs, Adrienne Johnson and Kim Tarantino
Publications from 2018
Addressing the Spiritual Needs of People Aging with Dementia and/or Lifelong Disabilities, Kathy Fogg Berry
Gerontology Theory Communicated in the Primary Grades through Picture Books, Edward F. Ansello
Into the Elder Law Trenches at Wake Forest University School of Law, Kate Mewhinney
Silver Saddles: An Equestrian Intervention for Older Adults with Dementia, Christine Jensen, Jessica Lyon, Tina Thomas, and Rachel Scrivano
Publications from 2017
Integrating Geriatrics in Primary Care: Progress and Prospects, Daniel A. Bluestein and Ryan M. Diduk-Smith
Living Well with Chronic Health Conditions: Chronic Disease Self-Management Education in Virginia, April Holmes, Dianne Duke, and Joyce Nussbaum
Safe Driving for the Mature Adult: Selected Issues, Rebecca Parsio
Utilizing Older Adult Standardized Patients to Enhance the Education of Health Professional Students, Kimberly Davis
Publications from 2016
Averting Financial Exploitation and Undue Influence through Legislation, Kathy Pryor
Evaluating Commonwealth Coordinated Care: The Experiences of Individuals Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, Gerald Craver, Alison Cuellar, and Gilbert Gimm
PALETTE: An Intergenerational Art Program to Improve Health Care Delivery and Health Outcomes of Older Adults, Sadie Rubin
Palliative Care Is More Care, Not Less, Rachel Selby-Penczak
Publications from 2015
Available Telephone Services for Older Virginians Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Clayton E. Bowen
Bringing Comfort to People with Advanced Dementia, Ann Wyatt
Building Interprofessional Teams through Evidence Based Practice Training in Falls Prevention, Constance L. Coogle, Edward F. Ansello, Patricia Slattum, and Pamela L. Parsons
Sleep Disorders and Cardiac Consequences, Robert D. Vorona
Publications from 2014
Protecting the Vulnerable: Free Ways to Prevent Financial Exploitation, Christopher Desimone
Remembering through Music: Music Therapy and Dementia, Melissa Owens
The Lifelong Learning Institute in Chesterfield: Ten Years of Growing, Edward F. Ansello and Monica Hughes
The Necessity of Leisure and Physical Activity, Alison Clarke and Stephanie Goode
Publications from 2013
Falling Down: Assessing the Risk of Falls in Older Adults, Steven Morrison
Medications as a Risk Factor in Falls by Older Adults with and without Intellectual Disabilities, Patricia Slattum and Edward F. Ansello
TimeSlips: Creativity for People with Dementia, Anne Davis Basting
Virginia POST: Improving Patient- Physician Communication about End of Life Care, Chris Pile and Laura Pole
Publications from 2012
Arthritis and Physical Activity in Mid- and Later-Life, Nicholas Turkas
Hoarding Behavior in the Elderly, Henriette Kellum
The Fairfax County Hoarding Task Force, Michael Congleton
We Are Family: When Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Financial Exploitation Hit Home, Jeannie J. Beidler
Publications from 2011
Alcohol, Medications, and Older Adults, Mailtreyee Mohanty and Patricia Slattum
Habilitation Therapy in Dementia Care, Paul Raia
The Impact of Providing Rehab Mobility Equipment to Those in Need, Bruce Stelmack and Brian Leitten
Universal Design in Housing, Steve Hansler and Beth Glas