

prison education, prison teacher, incarcerated students, prison teacher training


The present study deals with teaching practices in prison education in Slovakia. Attention is paid to secondary school teachers who, at the same time, teach adult prisoners. The aim of the qualitative research conducted was to find out in what ways, in the view of the teachers approached, prison education and school education differ and how they react to the differences. Another objective was to find out whether the teachers feel competent enough to teach prisoners. It was found out that theabsence of teacher training for prison education and the power of the prison regime strongly affect teaching practice. The teachers adjusted the syllabus, the pace and demands placed on the learners to the limited conditions of the prison regime. The authors believe that the present study could shed more light on teaching practices in prison education and help recognize such areas where specific teacher training is needed.

Author Bio

Silvia Lukacova is a university teacher at University of Presov in Presov, Slovakia at the Department of Andragogy. Her research deals with issues of education in prisons, the competencies of prison teachers and the education of adults from marginal groups of the population.

Marek Lukac is a university teacher at University of Presov in Presov, Slovakia at the Department of Andragogy and deals with issues of adult Roma/Romani education from marginalized communities and prison education.

Eduard Lukac is a university teacher at University of Presov in Presov, Slovakia at the Department of Andragogy, dealing with adult education in formal school system and history of adult education in Slovakia.

Ivana Pirohova is a university teacher at University of Presov in Presov, Slovakia at the Department of Andragogy. She deals with issues of individualization in adult education, evaluation of adult education and adult Roma/Romani education from marginalized communities.

Lucia Hartmannova is involved with internal doctoral studies with the Faculty of Arts at University of Presov.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


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