About Art Inquiries | Art Inquiries | Virginia Commonwealth University

Art Inquiries

About Art Inquiries

Art Inquiries is published annually as an open-access digital publication by SECAC. Formerly the Southeastern College Art Conference, SECAC is a non-profit organization that promotes the study and practice of the visual arts in higher education on a national basis. SECAC facilitates cooperation and fosters on-going dialog about pertinent creative, scholarly, and educational issues among artists, scholars, teachers, and administrators, in universities, colleges, community colleges, professional art schools, and museums.

The journal accepts manuscripts on a rolling basis. We seek engaging, well-written scholarship and criticism by artists or art historians at any stage in their career. Authors need not be members of SECAC to submit their work. Article submission and double-blind peer review are facilitated through the Scholar’s Compass platform. Please direct questions concerning the submission of your work to Mysoon Rizk, Chief Editor, at mysoon.rizk@utoledo.edu.

This is an open-access journal meaning that all content is freely available without charge to users or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.


Articles generally run 5,000 to 9,000 words in length and should include full and responsible endnotes. Please double space your manuscript, including endnotes, and provide a list of captions, with thumbnail images, following the full text. Authors are responsible for verifying the accuracy of all endnotes.

Style Guidelines

In preparing your manuscript, please follow the most recent edition of The Chicago Manual of Style. In accordance with this, please ensure use of a single space—rather than a double space—after each period and please apply the Oxford comma. For more information, please see the Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines.


Articles may be accompanied by images. We recommend no more than ten. Authors are urged to include only images that are especially germane to their argument. Reproductions may be in color or black and white. A list of figures, including all caption material—e.g., artist, title, date, dimensions, and any other pertinent or required information—must be included at the end of the manuscript. If the manuscript is selected for publication, it is the responsibility of the author to procure high-quality reproductions of all illustrations as well as the rights to publish the images. Images should be 300 (or higher) dpi digital files.


Correspondence regarding exhibition reviews, or proposals for exhibition reviews, should be sent to Kristina Olson, Exhibition Reviews Editor, at kristina.olson@mail.wvu.edu. Correspondence regarding book reviews, or proposals for book reviews, should be sent to Evie Terrono, Book Reviews Editor, at eterrono@rmc.edu. Reviews run between 1,500 and 2,000 words. Drafts are typically due in May.

Indexed in EBSCO and Art Full Text.