Aims & Scope | Art Inquiries | Virginia Commonwealth University

Art Inquiries

Aims & Scope

Art Inquiries publishes highly accessible and innovative research in the areas of art and architectural history, visual culture, art criticism, museum and curatorial studies, visual studies, and pedagogy. As a peer-reviewed, academic journal, Art Inquiries is central to SECAC’s mission of advocacy for the centrality of the arts and design in higher education.

The journal is published in the United States and accepts submissions in English.


Articles generally run between 5,000 and 9,000 words in length, and must include full and responsible endnotes. Articles represent original scholarship and undergo double-blind peer review.

Book and Exhibition Reviews

Reviews generally run between 1,500 and 2,000 words. Authors may propose possible review subjects to the appropriate editor, or editors may solicit reviews from relevant experts in the field. Reviews are subject to editorial review.