"Confronting School and Housing Segregation in the Richmond Region: Can" by Genevieve Siegel-Hawley, Brian Koziol et al.

Confronting School and Housing Segregation in the Richmond Region: Can We Learn and Live Together?

Document Type

Research Report

Original Publication Date



Published by the School of Professional and Continuing Studies, University of Richmond; School of Education, Virginia Commonwealth University; and HOME (Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia, Inc.)

Date of Submission

October 2017


White children now account for less than half of all births. At the same time, we are seeing stagnation in the earnings of the middle class and a widening gap between the poor and the rich. These changes matter, and they are impacting K-12 schools in our region. This report examines the changing nature of segregation in the metro-Richmond area, which is now far more multiracial than it was in the past. It seeks to:

• Pay central attention to segregation in housing and K-12 education
• Understand the mechanisms of educational inequality by examining data on the segregation of schools and housing by race, ethnicity, and poverty
• Offer a range of possible public policy solutions to promote equitable access to high opportunity schools and neighborhoods.

Data from this report are primarily computed from the National Center for Education Statistics and the U.S. Census, which house large-scale federal population and education datasets. Other sources include court cases, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and DiversityDataKids.org.

Recommended Citation

Siegel-Hawley, Genevieve, Brian Kozol, John Moeser, Taylor Holden and Thomas J. Shields. Confronting School and Housing Segregation in the Richmond Region: Can We Learn and LIve Together? Richmond, VA: University of Richmond, Virginia Commonwealth University, Housing Opportunities Made Equal, September, 2017.

Is Part Of

VCU Educational Leadership Publications
