Educational Leadership Publications - VCU Scholars Compass - Virginia Commonwealth University | Dept. of Educational Leadership | Virginia Commonwealth University
Publications from the Department of Educational Leadership, Virginia Commonwealth University.


Submissions from 2020


School Segregation by Boundary Line in Virginia: Scope, Significance and State Policy Solutions, Genevieve Siegel-Hawley, Kendra Taylor, Kimberly Bridges, Erica Frankenberg, Andrene Castro, Shenita Williams, and Sarah Haden

Submissions from 2017


Confronting School and Housing Segregation in the Richmond Region: Can We Learn and Live Together?, Genevieve Siegel-Hawley, Brian Koziol, John V. Moeser, Taylor Holden, and Thomas J. Shields

Submissions from 2016


A critical policy analysis of Texas’ Closing the Gaps 2015, Katherine Cumings Mansfield and Stefani Thachik

Submissions from 2015


Giftedness as property: Troubling whiteness, wealth, and gifted education in the US, Katherine Cumings Mansfield

Submissions from 2014


Mitigating Milliken? School District Boundary Lines and Desegregation Policy in Four Southern Metropolitan Areas, 1990–2010, Genevieve Siegel-Hawley

Submissions from 2013


The growth of single-sex schools: Federal policy meets local needs and interests, Katherine Cumings Mansfield

Submissions from 2011


Immersive, interactive, web-enabled computer simulation as a trigger for learning: The Next Generation of Problem-based Learning in Educational Leadership, Dale Mann, R. M. Reardon, Jonathan D. Becker, Charol Shakeshaft, and Nicholas Bacon

Submissions from 2010


Here, There, and Everywhere: A Review of DIY U by Anya Kamenetz, Jonathan D. Becker


Assessing technology literacy: The Case for an authentic, project-based learning approach, Jonathan D. Becker, Cherise A. Hodge, and Mary W. Sepelyak

Submissions from 2007


Mind the Gaps: Exploring the Use of Technology to Facilitate Parental Involvement, Particularly for Historically Underserved Populations, Jonathan D. Becker

Submissions from 2006


Digital Equity in Education: A Multilevel Examination of Differences in and Relationships between Computer Access, Computer Use and State-level Technology Policies, Jonathan D. Becker

Submissions from 2004


Thinking Outside the (Bricks-and-Mortar) Box(es): Using Cyberspace Technology to Reconceptualize Schooling and Community in the Face of Resegregation, Jonathan D. Becker

Submissions from 1999


West Virginia Story: Achievement Gains from a Statewide Comprehensive Instructional Technology Program, Dale Mann, Charol Shakeshaft, Jonathan D. Becker, and Robert Kottkamp