Ethnic Studies Review

Volume 23, Issue 1 (2000)
Full Issue
Front Matter
Editor's Note
Otis Scott
Interethnic Antagonism In the Wake of Colonialism: U. S. Territorial and Ethnic Relations at the Margins
Michael P. Perez
Languages and Postmodern Ethnic Identities
Livia Käthe Wittmann
Rwanda, Burundi, and Their "Ethnic" Conflicts
Stephen B. Isabirye and Kooros M. Mahmoudi
White Ethnic: A Social Concept
Joseph M. Conforti
Distinctive Features of the African-American Family: Debunking the Myth of the Deficit Model
David L. Briscoe
Patchwork and PR: Seminole-Constructed Public Image
Cynthia Kasee
[Review of] John M. Coward. The Newspaper Indian: Native American Identity in the Press, 1820-90
Cynthia R. Kasee
[Review of] Eric Greene. Planet of the Apes as American Myth: Race, Politics, and Popular Culture
George H. Junne Jr
[Review of] Wendy S. Hesford. Framing Identities: Autobiography and the Politics of Pedagogy
Helen Lock
[Review of] Sandra Jackson and Jose Solis Jordan (eds.). I've Got a Story To Tell: Identity And Place In The Academy
James Adolph Robinson
[Review of] Bruce E. Johansen, (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Native American Economic History
Robert Mark Silverman
[Review of] Michéle Lamont, ed. The Cultural Territories of Race: Black and White Boundaries
Rainer Spencer
[Review of] George J. Leonard (ed.). The Asian Pacific Heritage: A Companion to Literature and the Arts
Jeff Partridge
[Review of] Bunny McBride. Women of the Dawn
Sally McBeth
[Review of] George Anthony Peffer. If They Don't Bring Their Women Here: Chinese Female Immigration Before Exclusion
Philip Q. Yang
[Review of] America Rodriguez. Making Latino News: Race, Language, Class
M. L. (Tony) Miranda