See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Current Volume: Volume 7 (2024) Connections
Full Issue
Front Matter
Journal Theme: Connections
Linda j. Helmick
Pearl and Murray Greenberg Award Lectures
Linda j. Helmick and Margaret Walker
Ritualized Engrossment: Portraits of Early-Career Faculty Practicing Renewal
Samantha Goss and Libba Willcox
Crip Time and Creativity: Exploring Intergenerational Artmaking in a Children's Museum
Kelly M. Gross
Best Practices for Hybrid Art Museum Programs for People with Dementia
Pooja Lalwani, Sujal Manohar, and Jessica Kay Ruhle
Visual Essays
Intergenerational Art: A Cultural Perspective
Steve Willis
Lest We Forget- About My Mother
Cynthia van Frank