
Aims & Scope

The aim of this journal is to enhance policies, practices, and praxis in the context of formal and nonformal education that use queer and trans frameworks/methods, center queer and trans people, and examine historical and contemporary conditions that constrain or enhance queer and trans lives. In doing so, we use an inclusive and broad definition for “education,” as we consider the work that happens in the entire span of education settings (e.g., preK through adult education), as well as in non-formal education contexts (e.g., summer programs, after school initiatives, policy spaces).

This journal publishes empirical, conceptual, and practice-based manuscripts that address queer and trans ways of being, knowing, and feeling. We are especially seeking work that addresses how interlocking systems of oppression (e.g., heterosexism, trans oppression, racism, anti-Blackness, colonialism, ableism, classism) function within education as broadly defined above. This journal also welcomes submissions that engage a variety of methods and/or media (e.g., multimodal and/or arts-based scholarship), together with those that employ community-based approaches.

It is our desire that submissions will address one or more of these intertwined, yet distinct impact areas: activism, administration, policy, and praxis (including pedagogy). In doing so, submissions are encouraged to name direct implications for theorizing, research, and practice intended to better the conditions for minoritized groups, including queer and trans communities.

The three submission types for the journal will include: Research-Based Articles, Conceptual Articles, and Innovations in Pedagogy, Practice, and Policy.

Research-based Articles: We invite studies that employ new or existing data to answer questions critical to queer and trans populations and conditions in education. We invite scholars who use various conventional and/or innovative methodologies in their designs. These manuscripts should advance arguments that center queer and trans ways of being, knowing, and feeling. Authors should discuss relevant findings with particular attention to implications that advance understanding of queer and trans ways of being, knowing, and feeling in education. These papers should be 7,000 words max, not inclusive of references, tables, and figures.

Conceptual Articles: We also invite papers that draw on literature, research, and theory in a given area to forward new understandings and ways of thinking concerning queer and trans studies in education. These kinds of articles may choose to deconstruct existing theories, study findings, or practices/policies to advance new theoretical or methodological understandings. They may critique current theories, research findings, or interpretive practices in ways that challenge current understandings. These papers should be 7,000 words max, not inclusive of references, tables, and figures.

Innovations in Pedagogy, Practice, Policy: We invite manuscripts that highlight the creation and implementation of creative pedagogies, practices, and policies that address queer and trans equity/liberation in education in formal and non-formal contexts. The manuscripts should include descriptions of the development of the pedagogical approach, practice, or policy, as well as what other educational leaders can learn from this work. These submissions should be 5,000 words, not inclusive of references, tables, and figures. These manuscripts should include: description of a framework or literature basis that informed the pedagogical approach, practice, or policy; articulation of the pedagogical approach, practice, or policy, highlighting the development and other relevant pieces regarding context(s); implications and recommendations for other educators hoping to develop/advocate for similar pedagogical approaches, practices, or policies.

The journal accepts submissions on a rolling basis, with the exception of special issues, which have specified deadlines.