VCU Libraries Faculty and Staff Presentations - VCU Scholars Compass - Virginia Commonwealth University | VCU Libraries | Virginia Commonwealth University
Presentations by faculty and staff of the VCU Libraries.


Submissions from 2017


Job Searches in Liaison Departments: Opportunities for Outreach and Inreach, John Glover


Process This!, Jessica E. Johnson


BOHMs AWAY! Lessons from a Collection Survey, Jessica E. Johnson and Margaret T. Kidd


Collaborative Instruction for Information Retrieval and Appraisal Skills in Evidence-Based Practice Models for Dental Hygiene Students., Irene M. Lubker and Joan M. Pellegrini


A Comprehensive Summary of Services and Resources Provided by Librarians in support of CODA Accredited Predoctoral (DDS/DMD) Dental Education Programs in the United States and Canada, Irene M. Lubker, Elizabeth Stellrecht, Richard McGowan, Nena Schvaneveldt, Susan Arnold, Elisa Cortez, Rebecca Davis, Michael Kronenfield, and Nicole Theis-Mahon

Submissions from 2016


Ready, Set, Network! Research Speed Networking for Clinicians, Scientists and Engineers, Pamela M. Dillon and Karen H. Gau


Providing Hands-on Training with Bioinformatics Databases: A Collaboration Between VCU Libraries & Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research, Karen H. Gau, Julie A. Arendt, Amy Olex, and Aaron R. Wolen


Territory Folks Should all be Pals: Qualitative Use of Search Logs to Improve Confidence in and Communication about a Library Discovery Service, Jimmy Ghaphery, Mark Baggett, Thomas McNulty, and Emily Owens


Assessing the Unpredictable, Margaret E. Henderson


Sustaining Research Data Services, Margaret E. Henderson


Providing Support for an Interdisciplinary Research Group with a Multidisciplinary Informationist Team: Is It Effective?, Margaret Henderson, Karen Gau, Julie A. Arendt, Martha Roseberry, and John Cyrus


Claiming a Seat at the Table: Inclusive Paths to Leadership in Academic Libraries and Beyond, Megan Hodge and Patricia Sobczak


Like a Boss: Moving from the Front Lines into Middle Management, Megan Hodge, Nicole Spoor, and Cassidy Sheehan


Examining the Pieces: Usability Testing to Improve Outreach to Unaffiliated Health Professionals, Emily J. Hurst, Irene Lubker, and Barbara A. Wright

Submissions from 2015


The Parallel Universe of Electronic Resource Discovery, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Community Zone, Barbara Anderson


Updating Alma Records with the WorldShare MARC Update Service, Barbara Anderson


Bring out Your Dead: Digging up Print Reference Issues to Recommend What Is Next for a Collection, Julie Arendt, Nell J. Chenault, and John Glover


The Power of Closing Time: Using Library Occupancy Data to Inform Operational Changes, Stephen R. Barkley and Laura E. Knouse


The “Aha!” Moment: Library Support for the Cognitive Process of Creativity, Carla-Mae Crookendale


Evolving librarian participation in a specialized primary care medical education program, John Cyrus and Barbara A. Wright


ILLiad and Alma learn to play well together, M. Teresa Doherty


Collaborating to Improve Collaboration: Informationist Team Support for an Interdisciplinary Research Group., Margaret E. Henderson, Julie Arendt, Martha Roseberry, John Cyrus, and Karen Gau


Do Health Sciences Libraries and Librarians Have an Impact on the Cost of Health Care and Research? A Systematic Review, Margaret E. Henderson, Janet A. Crum, Kathy J. Fatkin, Marie-Marthe Gagnon, Tony Nguyen, Madeleine Taylor, and Mark Vrabel


Cataloging University Research Resources to Create DMPTool Templates and a LibGuide Research Portal, Margaret E. Henderson and Christopher Wimble


Providing Monthly Health and Wellness Presentations in a Patient Library: Program Development and Brief Assessment, Dana Ladd