

Drawing on well-established insights, our study adds nuance to the discussion regarding school pushout practices by centering race, sexual orientation and gender beyond the binary. By way of descriptive and inferential statistics using the High School Longitudinal Study (HSLS:09), our article seeks to disrupt the cisheteronormative discussion regarding exclusionary school discipline and institutionally inflicted pushout that impacts the educational trajectories and opportunities of queer and trans Black, Indigenous, students of color (QT BIPOC). Results from our chi-square analyses revealed significant differences in rates of cutting/skipping class, in-school suspension, suspension or expulsion, and dropping out across our four groups: QT BIPOC students, cis-heterosexual BIPOC students, QT white students, and cis-heteterosexual white students. Although effect sizes for these results were weak per phi-values, they are nonetheless meaningful in practice and policy formation.

Methodological Approach

