Journal of Social Theory in Art Education | Virginia Commonwealth University

The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education (JSTAE) is the official journal of the Caucus of Social Theory in Art Education (CSTAE), an Issues Group of the National Art Education Association (NAEA). The journal serves as an alternative voice for the field of art education through the promotion of scholarly research that addresses social issues, action, and transformation as well as creative methods of research and writing.

Volume 43 (2024) The Anxious Now and The Next Big Thing

Front Matter



Othermothering Encounters with an Anxious Now
Amber Ward, Jesús Quintero, Shaquela Russ, Emily Dellheim, Kellie Fallon, Elizabeth Vann-Womack, Zackary Crawford, and Valentina Valbuena-Lopez


A Critical Discourse on Asian American Stereotypes and Pedagogical Strategies against Anti-Asian Racism
Ryan Shin, Maria Lim, Oksun Lee, Ahran Koo, Kevin Hsieh, Min Gu, and Jaehan Bae


Good Mourning: Existing with Loss while Living in the Anxious Now
Jeff Horwat, Geralyn Yu, and Vicky J. Grube

Full Issue


Manisha Sharma
Carissa DiCindio
Associate Editor