About This Journal | Journal of Social Theory in Art Education | Virginia Commonwealth University

About This Journal

The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education is the official journal of the Caucus of Social Theory in Art Education (CSTAE), an Issues Group of the National Art Education Association (NAEA).

The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education (JSTAE) serves as an alternative voice for the field of art education through the promotion of scholarly research that addresses social issues, action, and transformation as well as creative methods of research and writing.

We welcome traditional and non-traditional formats of articles, those written collaboratively, and those written from a variety of perspectives.

Peer Review Process

All submissions are subjected to a double-blind peer review process in which no fewer than two reviewers assess the merit of the manuscript. Each reviewer is asked to return evaluations within four weeks of submission.

JSTAE reviewers are selected based on the following criteria: (a) CSTAE membership, (b) have published work in the field, (c) have published in an area related to the article asked to review, (d) have not submitted an article for review for the particular volume.