Letter to Authors | Journal of Social Theory in Art Education | Virginia Commonwealth University

Dear Authors,
The purpose of this letter is to share some general information about the Journal of Social Theory in Art Education (JSTAE) that you may use for promotion and tenure purposes. The JSTAE is the official journal of the Caucus of Social Theory in Art Education (CSTAE), an Issues Group of the National Art Education Association (NAEA). The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education is online at http://www.jstae.org. The JSTAE serves as an alternative voice for the field of art education through the promotion of scholarly research that addresses social issues, action, and transformation as well as creative methods of research and writing.

In recent years, the publication rate has been approximately:
EditorYearVolume Number Total Number of Submissions Total Number of Published Articles Percentage of Submissions Published
Melanie Buffington 2017 37 22 9 41%
Melanie Buffington 2016 36 41 12 29%
Sharif Bey 2015 35 33 11 33%
Sharif Bey 2014 34 13 6 46%
Kryssi Staikidis 2013 33 20 8 40%
Kryssi Staikidis 2012 32 32 12 38%

The JSTAE publishes one volume per year based around a theme that the CSTAE sets. The call is publicized in the summer with articles due in the fall. Submissions are blind reviewed by two to three members of the JSTAE’s Review Board that currently consists of approximately 40 members.

JSTAE is included in the following databases:
Proquest ARTbibliographies Modern

If you have specific questions, please contact the editor for that information.