

It seems clear that art educators must think clearly about the design of teacher education programs if social theory is to become social practice. The obstacles to successful integration of theory and practice are many, ranging from the logistics of engaging artist-teachers in theoretical studies, to the intrinsically different natures of theoretical and practical activities. And it is difficult to guarantee that such amorphous qualities as flexible dialogue, love, hope, and mutual trust can be made part of a teacher education program, even when a deliberate effort is made to do so. But while the model of teacher education discussed here is problematic to achieve, the reasons for working in this directions are compelling and inescapable. We do not want the gap between practice and theory to widen further; and we can not ethically close that gap except through the authentic participation of student teachers. The pedagogical conditions which can make this participation real are beginning to be identified; now is the time to make our practices live up to these pedagogical insights.


© The Author

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Art Education Commons
