"Enculturation and Teacher Education in Art" by Jessie Lovano-Kerr


There are many ways to address how we prepare art and elementary teachers to teach art. We can wait for the Getty study results which look at the topical content of selected art education programs throughout the country. Or, we can be on the alert for the completion of the comprehensive survey funded by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Department of Education, conducted by the Council of Chief State School Officers to determine, from the standpoint of each State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the status of arts education in each state. This survey will cover curricula, certification requirements, budgets, educational personnel, graduation requirements, and other areas. Or, we can look at the results of the National Art Assessments conducted in l974-75 and again in 1978-79 on the art performance of nine, thirteen and seventeen year old students throughout the country. Or, we can do a truly grass roots survey among the NAEA members to, at least, determine similarities and differences in required courses in undergraduate art education programs. Each of these sources could provide valuable information directly or indirectly related to art teacher, education practices.


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