Electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) make VCU student research and creativity available online as full-text documents and multimedia presentations for use by the university community and others involved in research.
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The majority of VCU theses and dissertations may be found in Special Collections and Archives at James Branch Cabell Library or the Health Sciences Library. Use VCU Libraries Search to locate individual theses and dissertations.
Part of University Archives: This series has been selected for inclusion in the VCU University Archives for its enduring administrative, fiscal, legal, or historical value.Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Grobner Bases and Ideals of Points, Eun R. Chang
Preliminary Research on Taiwanese Art Curriculum Design Based On Visual Culture, Jui-Jung Chang
The Development of an FPGA-based Autopilot for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Quan Cheng
The Impact of Acculturation on Distress Disclosure, Emotional Disclosure, and Relational Health toward Mentoring and Peer Relationships within Asian Populations, Joseph Chien-Te Chen
Adapting and Directing a Princess' Drum: A Directorial Journey Toward Shamanistic Ritual in Non-Verbal Physical Theatre, Joon Hui Cho
A GIS and Remote Sensing Based Analysis of Impervious Surface Influences on Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) Nest Presence in the Virginia Portion of the Chesapeake Bay, Jennifer M. Ciminelli
The Expression and Function of Wilms' Tumor 1 in Malignant Glioma, Aaron J. Clark
Silicon Oxide Nanoparticles Reveal the Origin of Silicate Grains in Circumstellar Environments, Peneé Armaize Clayborne
Construct Validity Evidence Based on Internal Structure: Exploring and Comparing the Use of Rasch Measurement Modeling and Factor Analysis with a Measure of Student Motivation, Mary Angela Coleman
Relationship Between CB1 and S1P Receptors in the Central Nervous System, Lauren Michele Collier
His Mother's Decisions: A Novel, Steven Timothy Collis
Everyday Haunting, Thomas John Condon Jr.
Through My Eyes, Candace B. Conklin
The Impact of No Child Left Behind On Charter School Legislation and Practices - Policy Implications, Joice Eaddy Conyers
Models of Forgiveness and Adult Romantic Attachment in Ended Relationships: Forgiveness Over Time, Kathryn Louise Cooke
Parent and Therapist Perceptions of Sensory Based Strategies Used by Occupational Therapists in Family-Centered Early Intervention Practice, Juliet Bertaut Copeland
The Corbett Pain Scale: A Multidimensional Pain Scale for Adult Intensive Care Patients, Gina M. Corbett
A Postcard, Or Something Like It, Derek Cote
Effect of Nitric Oxide on Oxygen Consumption of Skeletal Muscle, Christina Lyn Cox
A Comparison of Methods to Construct an Optimal Membership Function in a Fuzzy Database System, Joanne Marie Cunningham
Examining the Progression of Disability Benefits Among Employees in the United States, Carolyn E. Danczyk-Hawley
Assessing Epidermal Growth Factor Expression in the Rodent Hippocampus Following Traumatic Brain Injury, Janice Mabutas Daus
Electrical Light and Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Emily Virginia Davis
Illustrating Life, H.A. Mark Dean
Influence of the Vitamin D3 Analog EB 1089 on Senescence and Cell Death Pathways in the Response of Breast Tumor Cells to Ionizing Radiation, Gerald Alan DeMasters
Damn Near Perfect, Michaux Dempster
Glutamate Excitotoxicty Activates a Novel Calcium Permeable Ion Channel in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons, Laxmikant Sudhir Deshpande
Information Technology Outsourcing in U.S. Hospital Systems, Mark L. Diana
Child Care Decision Making Among Parents of Young Children: A Constructivist Inquiry, Kathleen Albright Didden
Moritz Oppenheim, the Rothschilds, and the Construction of Jewish Identity, Everett Eugene Dodd III
Trees, Kara M. Drinkwater
Art - A Tool For Teaching English To ESL Level I Students, Allison G. Duvall
The Effect and Chronic Acute Pre-Treatment with Methylphenidate on Recovery of Cognitive Function Following Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury In Rats, Katharine Coryell Eakin
Treatment Effects of Incisor Positioning on Anterior Tooth Display, Scott J. Eberle
Approaching the Singularity in Gowdy Universes, Bartlett Douglas Edmonds Jr.
The Effect of Media Advertising on Consumer Perception of Orthodontic Treatment Quality, Daenya T. Edwards
The Association between Breast Feeding and Being Overweight in Children, Naja Jamil Eldanaf
Applying principles of Information Design to help parents accept babies with Down syndrome, Anita Eradla
Textural Diversity, Paul Eskew
Virginia's Pupil Placement Board and the Massive Resistance Movement, 1956-1966, Sara Kathryn Eskridge
The Huhugam Heritage Center: An Administrative History and Case Study in Tribal Museum Issues, Christina Esposito
Terra Incognita, Miriam Ellen Ewers
Functional Redistribution of Hippocampal Cannabinoid Cb1 Receptors in the Rat Pilocarpine Model of Acquired Epilepsy, Katherine Winslow Falenski
Cultural Identity, Laura J. Faulcon
What Cost Hospital Quality: Performance Uncertainty Under Market Reform, Ronald L. Fisher
Stature and Criminal Behavior, Rebecca J. Fish
Growth, Peter Fitzgerald
Bayesian Analysis, Endogenous Data,and Convergence of Beliefs, Andrew T. Foerster
Social Emotional Development in School: The Anatomy of One School's Role in Adolescent Female Development, Tanya Elizabeth Forneris
Perceptions of Academic and Social Self-Efficacy among Adolescents Diagnosed with Cancer and their Relations with Dispositional Optimism, Perceived Vulnerability, and Treatment Modality, Rebecca Hope Foster
Characterization of Vancomycin Resistance in Staphylococcus Aureus, Paige McCarthy Fox
Surface Stories, Patricia Bruce Franklin
Role of MDM2 In Cell Growth Regulation, Rebecca Anne Frum
Art Service-Learning Projects for the Academically Gifted Middle School Student, Carmen Fambrough Futrell
Experimental Study of the Entrainment of Nanoparticles from Surfaces, Srirupa Ganguly
Factors Associated with Hospital Commitment to Provide Child/Adolescent Psychiatric Services, Lea Anne Gardner
heliopolis, Phillip Matthew Gardner
Foliage and Fabrication, Carrie Rosicky Garvey
Length of Hospital Stay, Delirium and Discharge Status Outcomes Associated With Anticholinergic Drug Use in Elderly Hospitalized Dementia Patients, Kelly J. Gauthier
Novel Characteristics of Murine Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages and Human Macrophage-Like Cells, George Tharwat Georges
A Needs Assessment For Annual Physical Examination For Selected Richmond Public School Children, Aimee Gibbs
Genetic Variation Among Geographically Disparate Yellow Perch Broodstock Populations, Chandler Brooke Givens
Making the Forest Together: Young Children Represent a Shared Experience in Clay, Anna Mary Golden
Pietro Perugino (1450-1523) and the Practice of Reuse: Redefining Imitazione in the Italian Renaissance, Kelly A. Goodman
Children's Coping with Peer Rejection Experiences: The Regulating Role of Emotion, Kimberly L. Goodman
Raubeaux Scientician, Joe W. Grant III
Institutional Transformation: A Case Study of an Urban Midwestern University, Jane M. Grassadonia
Influences on Health Related Quality of Life in Community Dwelling Adults Aged 60 Years and Over, Hilary Beth Greenberger
Low Frequency Energy Harvesting Using Clamped Pre-Stressed Unimorph Diaphragms, Christopher W. Green
A Longitudinal Investigation of Cognitive Predictors of Self-care Behaviors in Youth with Type I Diabetes, Michelle Marie Greene
Is Safe Haven Legislation an Efficacious Policy Response to Infant Abandonment: A Biopsychosocial Profile of the Target Population, Stephanie Mayes Gruss
Interspecies Pharmacokinetic Scaling and Metabolism of Alcohols and Glycols, Pankaj Gupta
Mechanisms of Iron Acquisition Employed by Neisseria Gonorrhoeae for Survival within Cervical Epithelial Cells, Tracey Ann Hagen
Determinants of Dating Violence Among Youth in the U.S., Candace Hamm
The Assistant Director, Stephanie R. Hanna
Oral Health Knowledge of Caregivers in a Primary Care Setting, Annelise Cecile Hardin
Investigations into Social Game Theory, Stephen Bryce Harper
The Path Is A Circle, MaryLea Martin Harris
Combinatorial Modulation of Multiple Signaling Pathways to Gain Therapeutic Response in Breast and Prostate Cell Carcinomas, William Tressel Hawkins II
Revel and Revamp, Rachel Brooke Hayes
Evolving a Theatre of Truth, Susan Hayes
A Determination of the Association of Competition and Regulation With Hospital Strategic Orientation, Kathleen B. Heatwole
Light of Life, Sabina I. Henry
Last Stand at Big Thunder Mountain, David Herbert
The Use of Osteoporotic Medications Following a Fracture, Elizabeth O'Brien Herman
Immunotoxicological Evaluation Of Critical Windows Of Development Following Exposure to 1,2:5,6 Dibenzanthracene in B6C3F1 Mice, Denise Marie Hernandez
Invasion Genetics of the Blue Catfish (Ictalurus Furcatus) Range Expansion into Large River Ecosystems of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Colleen Beth Higgins
The Effects of Hemoglobin-Based Oxygen Carriers On Mean Arterial Pressure, Arteriolar Diameter, and Nitric Oxide in the Microcirculation, Veronique C. Hionis
James River Anthology at Seven Hills School, Heather Simpson Hogg
Cowboy: An Agile Programming Methodology for a Solo Programmer, Ashby Brooks Hollar
The Barbershop: a photographic documentation and exhibition, Justin K. Howard
Enhancing the Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Porphyrins and Molecular Wires, Jonathan L. Humphrey
Community College Instructors' Perceptions of Online Teaching and Learning: A Study of a Rural Community College, Joy F. Hurt