Human Subject Protections: authors writing as both practitioners and researchers are responsible for respecting and complying with all human subject protections requirements, apropos to the sensitivity and risk of their work.
Written permission is required for the use of prisoners’ written work, art work, photographs of prisoners, and so on. Contributors are responsible for obtaining such permissions and forwarding them to the editorial board.
Use inclusive language which is respectful of race, gender, class, culture, etc.
Ensure your work is free from bias; avoid sweeping assumptions or generalizations about groups of people.
If you are quoting participants or using personal information about them, make sure you have their written consent.
Use appropriate language when referencing learners in your program. ‘People who are currently or formerly incarcerated’ is more correct and should replace words like ‘felon’, ‘ex-con’, ‘inmate’ etc. JPER discourages the use of subjective terms such as inmate, offender, or criminal. Instead, we prefer descriptive terms such as prisoner, incarcerated person, or, ideally, student.