"Scoping review on the use and meaning of sport in prison and after detention" by Marie-Lou Libbrecht, Pascal Delheye et al.


Detention, post-imprisonment, (ex-)prisoners, sport, reintegration, scoping review


The aim of this study was to provide knowledge on existing literature and research regarding the use and meaning of sports during and after incarceration. To achieve this, a scoping review was conducted, entering one hundred and seventeen combinations of search terms related to sports and incarceration into Google Scholar and Web of Science, focusing on titles and/or key terms. Ultimately, one hundred and fifty-two publications were included in the scoping review. The identified literature and research on 'the meaning of sports during and after detention' discuss the outcomes related to physical and mental health, behaviour, and the rehabilitation of prisoners, all with the ultimate goal of reducing recidivism and supporting the successful reintegration of ex-prisoners. These results revealed knowledge gaps that are explored in the discussion. The conclusion provides a critical examination of the results and knowledge gaps, highlighting some indications for further research on the meaning of sports for (ex-)prisoners.

Author Bio

Marie-Lou Libbrecht studied Pedagogical Sciences with a master’s degree in Social Work and an educational master’s degree in Behavioural Sciences. She wrote a master’s thesis on sport as a point of attention in the aftercare of (ex-)prisoners. She started in November 2021 a four-year PhD research at Ghent University as an FWO candidate, and she is researching the meaning of sports for the social reintegration of people who are or were incarcerated.

Prof. Dr. Pascal Delheye is holder of the UGent Chair Frans Verheeke - The Future of Sport at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of Ghent University. The Chair covers topics such as policy and politics, gender inequality and emancipation, diversity and sustainability. The main research focus is on ‘sport social work’.

Prof. Dr. Rosie Meek is a chartered psychologist and prison scholar, experienced in both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. She is based at Royal Holloway University of London where she founded and led the interdisciplinary School of Law.

Prof. Dr. Rudi Roose is professor of social worker at Ghent University and chair of the Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy. His research interest are the development of pedagogical perspectives on socially just social work practices in relation to managerial contexts. He is Editor in Chief of the European Journal of Social Work.

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